Is your sofa still sound, but looking dated? Not to worry. Your upholstered furniture can be restored to its original condition or transformed by re-styling: sofas and chairs can be extended or shortened in length; alternative cushion formations can be created, often times backs and arms can be adjusted or reshaped and various trim options will complete a new personality.
If your existing furniture was made mid-20th century or earlier it is likely of a far higher quality than most of the mass-produced furniture available today. Our experienced upholsterers, cutters and craftsmen are skilled in traditional and modern working techniques that will give your furnishing the makeover you desire. The end result will give your sofa or chair a totally new look – and extended life.
The team at Renaissance Custom Upholstery will assess and advise exactly how your furniture is constructed. Most of today’s mass-produced furniture is not built to last (please don’t take offense if we advise that it is not worth restyling). On the other hand, if your furniture was made of sound construction methods we can take it and make it better than new.
We follow the traditional craftsman’s approach, deconstructing your furniture so we can work from the frame back to finished form. We’ll closely check the frame, tightening/replacing screws and regluing loose joints. It’s at this point where we will also restyle the shape to your desired look. Next we’ll replace springs and padding and craft new pillows and cushions before finally fitting your chosen fabric to give you upholstered furniture equal too, and in most cases superior to, that which is available today.
While there are limits to how far the basic shape of a furniture frame can be altered, Renaissance Custom Upholstery can restyle an old chair or sofa. Channeling or tufting can be removed. A cushion that is too hard-edged can be plumped and softened. Furniture can be given better proportions and updated details (such as a higher skirt), so that the piece you get back looks stylish for today.
Restyling an older piece of quality furniture can be a wise investment, but it is the custom details where all the difference is made. Yes, great fabrics will instantly create a great new look for an inherited or antique piece of furniture. One fabric can be the main upholstery, another could be contrast welting and a third could be used for side pillows. The same frame can look completely different when dressed in damask compared to casual washed chenille.
Let the craftsmen as Renaissance Custom Upholstery restyle your furniture to fit your décor and lifestyle needs. We use American-made upholstery material as much as possible, including for finishing trims, slipcovers and stuffed-down pillows and cushions.